Knowing All about Hunan

Rise of General Aviation Industry in Zhuzhou Hunan

Updated:2017-05-08 10:44:04

多用途飞机(A multi-purpose plane)。

通勤飞行(Commuter flying)。

山河科技“阿若拉”两人座轻型运动飞机(The two-seat light sport aircraft Arora by Sunward Technology)。

滑翔机(An aerodone)。

航空运动装备(An air sports device)。

航空小镇(An aviation town)。

消费级无人机(A consumer grade unmanned aerial vehicle)。

航空零部件(Aviation components and parts)。

  红网株洲5月7日讯(时刻新闻记者 李慧)“逐梦通航·我心飞翔”,5月7日上午,“通用航空产业高峰论坛”在株洲通用机场隆重举行。近年来,株洲依托中小型航空发动机研发和制造技术优势,积极向民用产业及通用航空产业领域拓展,目前,株洲初步形成“中小航空发动机制造、通用飞机整机制造、通用航空运营配套、衍生产业”的航空全产业体系,2016年航空产业创产值102亿元。

  Rednet (Zhuzhou): On the morning of May 7, General Aviation Industry Summit Forum was held in Zhuzhou General Aviation Aerodrome. In recent years, relying on research, development and manufacturing technological advantages in small and medium sized aero-engines, Zhuzhou has taken initial shape in the aviation all-industry system of small-and-medium sized aero-engines manufacturing, complete general-purpose planes manufacturing, general-purpose aviation operation supportings and derivative industries. In 2016, Zhuzhou created the output value of 10.2 billion yuan in the aviation industry.

  Original link: 筑梦通航产业 株洲造动力之都