Knowing All about Hunan

Traffic Tips for Duanwu Festival

Updated:2017-05-26 15:20:53

  On May 24, a thematic meeting on Duanwu holiday travel announced that the number of vehicles on Hunan expressways is estimated to be 8.5 million, an increase of 8% over 2016 between May 28 and May 30. Passenger cars with seven seats or less have to pay highway tolls as usual during the period.

  Rail passenger numbers will reach 5.65 million during the holiday, an increase of 8% over the previous year. Five pairs of high-speed trains and twelve pairs of trains running at normal speeds will be added to meet passengers’ needs.

  The flights departing from Changsha will offer a discount of 50-70% off during the period. China Southern Airlines Hunan Branch announced on May 24 that there are still enough seats available for a journey from Changsha to other parts of the country, and a discount of 50-70% off are offered to most flights. Changsha to Kunming ticket price is at 300 yuan, claiming the lowest; Changsha to Guangzhou at 370 yuan; Changsha to Beijing at 400 yuan; Changsha to Shanghai at 390 yuan; Changsha to Chengdu at 680 yuan; Changsha to Sanya at 290 yuan.