Knowing All about Hunan

Busy Harvesting and Transplanting Season in Shuangfeng County

Updated:2017-07-18 09:48:00


 红网双峰7月17日讯(通讯员 李建新)7月17日,湖南省双峰县井字镇白碧村,农民顶着高温抢收早稻。眼下已进入三伏天气,当地农民头顶烈日忙着抢收早稻、抢插晚稻,稳定粮食生产。

  On July 17, a farmer of Baibi Village, Jingzi Town, Shuangfeng County, harvests early season rice. The town’s acres of double-season early rice began to mature, so that the local farmers are busy harvesting the early rice and transplanting the late rice seedlings.

  双峰:战高温 忙“双抢”(图)