Knowing All about Hunan

A world of fantasy: lights and Grass Sculptures in Yanghu Park

Updated:2017-08-17 11:55:01


  Had a grand opening ceremony in August 23 in Changsha City, China Yanghu Grass Sculpture and Lantern Exhibition is an unprecedented innovation of grass sculptures for two months of exhibition, and an event of creating new Guinness record for the visiting by millions of people in Changsha.

  湿地派对、万人品鱼大会、英雄小丑嘉年华、爵士音乐季、吃香喝辣巨蟹节 、中秋千人古装拜月祈福会.....吃喝玩乐,从8月23日持续到10月16日,在湖南洋湖国家湿地公园尽情享乐!

  珠江·颐德公馆 中国洋湖草雕灯光欢乐季

  日期:2017年8月23日-10月16日 每天10:00至22:00(53天)


  The exhibition creates a fantastic world of fair tales with the works made by more than 120 craftsmen of intangible cultural heritage. From August to October, serial activities will be held in Yanghu Wetland Park for Clown Carnival, Jazz Music Festival, Mid-autumn Festival,etc.

  Place: Hunan Yanghu Wetland Park

  Dates: From Aug. 23 to Oct.16 , from 10:00 am to 22:00