Knowing All about Hunan

People’s Daily’s Special Report on Hunan Achievements

Updated:2017-08-30 16:08:42

  On August 29, the People’s Dailypublished a special report on Hunan’s development over the past five years. The theme was "Five-year Achievements – Hunan Chapter", it comprehensively covered Hunan’s economic and social progress since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in an eight page report.

  Hunan’s achievements in areas such as social undertakings, innovation-oriented advancement, opening up and the rise of Hunan, transformation and upgrading, environmental protection, building moderately prosperous society, and charming Hunan were noted. Hunan’s implementation of ‘three focuses’ of supply-side reform, people’s livelihood improvement, and agricultural modernization; innovation-oriented development and the rise of Hunan via opening up strategies; transformation and upgrading policies; ecological civilization construction; and poverty alleviation promotion was highlighted. It is the largest and most detailed coverage on Hunan in recent years.

  CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Secretary and Hunan Provincial Congress Standing Committee Director Du Jiahao wrote an article titled "Implementing New Ideas to Build a New Hunan" for the People’s Daily, and CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Deputy Secretary and Hunan Governor Xu Dazhe was interviewed by a People’s Dailyjournalist.