Knowing All about Hunan

[Hunan Enterprise] CMIG Drawin fosters construction technologies in South Africa

Updated:2017-10-17 10:19:21


  CMIG Drawin’s first involved indemnificatory house completed in Africa.


  President of CMIG Drawin Yin Jun has an interview with the media.

  中国民生投资集团(简称“中民投”)旗下中民筑友将以装配式建筑技术输出的形式,助力南非豪登省推出的31个“大型城市项目”(Mega City Projects)之一的John Dube新城项目建设,计划十年完成。

  China Minsheng Drawin Technology Group Limited (“CMIG Drawin”), headquartered in Changsha, Hunan, fosters John Dube New City project, one of 31 Mega City Projects of Gauteng province, South Africa. CMIG Drawin will provide prefabricated construction technologies for Gauteng to complete the project in ten years.


  CMIG Drawin will dispatch some technical management experts but employ 95% local residents for the project construction, which not only improves South Africa’s construction technology but also create more employment opportunities for the local residents.

  Chinese Source: 中民筑友布局非洲 参与南非保障房建设