双语|“老外”坐错车误把靖州当荆州 铁警相助引点赞
A foreign tourist buys a train ticket and mistakenly arrives at Jingzhou ( 湖南靖州,pinyin: jìng zhōu ) of Hunan Province, instead of his proper destination Jingzhou ( 湖北荆州,pinyin: jīng zhōu ) of Hubei Province. The two destinations have the same sound but with different pitches.
红网时刻10月21日讯(通讯员 刘亚平 陈亚星)10月20日,一名“老外”坐错了车,竟然把湖南的靖州当成了湖北荆州。怀化铁路公安处靖州火车站派出所民警热情相助,立即开汽车将外籍旅客送到怀化高铁站,使其乘上了前往目的地的列车。
A foreign tourist unexpectedly arrived at Jingzhou (湖南靖州,pinyin: jìng zhōu) by train in Hunan Province, by mistakenly taking it as Jingzhou of Hubei Province (湖北荆州,pinyin: jīng zhōu). Jingzhou Railway Station Police of Huaihua Railway Public Security Department helped him to get to his right destination on October 20, 2017.
Ding Yong, a policeman on duty, found that a blonde foreign tourist seemed confused after getting off the train K835 at Jingzhou station, around 11 am on October 20. Ding and his colleagues learned about the tourist's situation that Philip, a 39-year-old German, bought a wrong train ticket from Chongqing City of Sichuan Province to Jingzhou of Hunan Province due to his poor pronunciation. With the policemen's help, he arrived at the nearby station of High Speed Rail in Huaihua City for his proper destination. "They are great!" he thanked Chinese policemen for the big help in Mandarin.
Lost in translation: policemen help foreigner to proper destination
Updated:2017-10-24 11:22:08
Updated:2017-10-24 11:22:08
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