Knowing All about Hunan

Public-interest library remodeled from underground passage, Changsha

Updated:2017-11-13 11:00:56

雨花区东山街道南雅中学附近的这处地下通道改造成的迷你公益图书馆明亮、温馨,成了附近居民最爱的阅读天地。长沙晚报通讯员 胡雷 摄

  A public-interest library remodeled from underground passage nearby Nanya Middle School, Changsha. (photo/Hu Lei)


  According to Rednet news report, apublic-interest library remodeled from underground passage in Nanya Community, Dongshan street, Changsha was opened, November 11. With the area of 180 square meters, the library provides more than 3,000 books and nearly 100 seats for reading, covering laws, economy, education, languages, literature, art, history, military science, etc. In the future festivals and holidays, Nanya Community will organize juveniles within the jurisdiction to serve as librarians and encourage them to get involved in the library management.

  Chinese source:

  南雅中学附近一地下通道被改建成迷你图书馆 藏书免费读