Knowing All about Hunan

Xu Dazhe: to rectify and reform environment after inspection

Updated:2017-11-22 12:54:00

  湖南日报11月20日讯(记者 冒蕞)今天上午,省委副书记、省长许达哲主持召开中央环保督察整改工作推进会,他强调,要把抓好中央环保督察整改作为贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的实际行动,压实责任,攻坚克难,确保在规定时限内完成整改任务,向党和人民交上一份合格答卷。

  Xu Dazhe, Deputy Secretary of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and Governor of Hunan province, hosted the work promotion meeting for rectification and reform according to Central Environmental Inspection. He emphasized that it is necessary to do a good job in rectifying and reforming according to Central Environmental Protection Inspection as the actual action to implement Xi Jinping's thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era.


  Xu pointed out that "to adhere to the Coexistence of Man and Nature" is an important part of Xi Jinping's thinking on socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the beginning of this year, the province has done a great deal of work on the concept of green development, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, and focusing on the remediation of prominent issues of the ecological environment. Despite of the achievements have been made, Hunan should strive to do great many work to meet the requirements of the Central Government and ordinary people's expectations.

  Link: 许达哲主持省政府常务会议 完成环保督察整改