Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan's first international all-cargo scheduled airline opens

Updated:2017-12-04 11:53:20

12月2日晚21时48分,一架载有2.6吨东南亚海鲜的货运包机经3个小时从越南胡志明市飞抵长沙,当晚迅速通过检验检疫部门现场查验,由进口商分销至消费市场。这是我省首架进境货运包机,运载的鲜活水产品包括南美白对虾、草虾、青蟹、笋壳鱼等,共2606公斤。通讯员 供图

  At 21:48 December 2nd, 2017, after three-hour flight from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Hunan’s first import cargo chartered plane arrived at Changsha Huanghua International Airport, carrying 2,606 kilos of fresh aquatic products such as Penaeus vannamei, black tiger shrimp, blue crab, Marbled Sand Goby, etc. They were distributed to Hunan consumer markets via importers as soon as they were passed the site inspection and quarantine at that night. (photo/Lin Jun)


  On the same day, the opening ceremony of Changsha-Ho Chi Minh international all-cargo scheduled airline was held in Changsha. This is Hunan’s first international all-cargo scheduled airline, marking the new developing stage of Hunan province’s international air freight.

  Chinese source: 3小时!2.6吨东南亚海鲜“飞的”抵湘