Knowing All about Hunan

Beautiful white winter in Zhangjiajie, Hunan

Updated:2017-12-15 15:11:25


  The visitors capture beautiful Tianzi Mountain scenery at the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie on December 14, 2017. The marvelous hoarfrost and icicles scenes in Tianzi Mountain and Yangjiajie attract numerous visitors.

  红网时刻12月14日讯(通讯员 符建华 覃少波)12月14日,受寒潮影响,平均海拔1400多米的湖南张家界天门山国家森林公园出现了漫山遍野的雾凇奇观,整个景区被装扮成了水晶宫般的童话世界。行走在游道上,随处都是形态各异的雾凇、晶莹剔透的冰花,可谓一步一景,美不胜收。

  Tianzi Mountain is 1518.6 meters high above sea level, with temperature lower 6 degree to 8 degree than urban area. Every year from December to March is the best season to watch hoar frost and icicles.
