Knowing All about Hunan

Facial recognition to be use in public toilets, Changsha

Updated:2017-12-18 16:54:05


  用智能化手段推进“厕所革命”升级,让市民和游客获得更好的公共服务。 长沙首座智慧型公共厕所——贺龙南广场公共厕所,将于本月底亮相天心区。刷脸取纸、贴心的母婴室、蹲位智能显示系统、无线wifi、中央空调等都将一一亮相于该公厕。

  High technology will be used to promote the upgrading of public toilet system in Changsha City, the capital of Hunan Province, so that citizens and tourists can have better public services. The first smart public toilet located at Helong Plaza will be unveiled at the end of this month, in Tianxin Area. Facial recognition will be used for offering free toilet paper for each user. Like this one, a bunch of smart toilets will be unveiled one by one, with other facilities as nursing rooms, intelligent flushing system, WiFi, central air conditioning, etc.

  link: 刷脸取纸配wifi 智慧公厕现长沙 城区月底将建成5所