Knowing All about Hunan

Popularize Hunan Cuisine to Foreign Friends at “Great Cold”

Updated:2018-01-20 09:09:00

  双语|大寒遇上湘菜火辣辣 歪果仁不淡定啦

  [Bilingual Hunan] Popularize Hunan Cuisine to Foreign Friends at “Great Cold” Solar Term


  2018 “Great Cold” Solar Term falls on January 20. Hunan cuisine nourishing food suits best today.


  “Great Cold” is the last and coldest of twenty-four solar terms.


  Today is a good chance to show the folk song of 24 solar terms to your foreign friends.


  “Great Cold” symbolizes winter coming to an end and the approaching Chinese Spring Festival.


  Have you seen your foreign friends who cannot help eating Hunan cuisine while complaining its too spicy taste? If not, recommend you to watch videos on Bilibili website.


  Foreign friends are always impressed by Hunan cuisine’s hot spicy taste, but will be conquered by Hunan cuisine’s yummy fresh flavor.


  Your foreign friends will ask, “What kind of Hunan cuisine are authentic?”


  Hunan cuisine criteria may help you. Hunan has released criteria of 79 Hunan cuisine dishes, covering from plate presentation, raw materials, cooking methods to making process, etc.


  In spite of the criteria, professional foodies will find that authentic Hunan cuisine are always born in local Hunan places, for Hunan cuisine’s authentic spices are not available everywhere.


  National-level Ningxiang Economic & Technology Development Zone is building China Hunan Cuisine Industrial Park and developing Hunan cuisine’s full industry chain to promote Hunan cuisine global co-sharing.


  Let’s get back! Recommend some popular Hunan cuisine of your hometown to your foreign friends at “Great Cold”. Please remember that, dishes cannot be too spicy but warm-benefiting and nourishing for driving wind chill at “Great Cold”.


  Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Chili, popular in Xiangtan, Hunan.


  Fried Preserved Meat with Green Chili, popular in Anhua county, Hunan.


  Stewed Meat Pot, usually with three choices from pork, beef and mutton and their tripe, popular in Zhangjiajie, Hunan.


  Stir-fried Duck with Glutinous Rice Cake Supplemented by Duck Blood, popular in Hongjiang, western Hunan.


  Braised Chicken, popular in Dong’an county, Hunan.


  The above dishes surely cannot satisfy your and your foreign friends’ greedy appetite. Welcome your more recommendations and pictures below! Thanks!


  In the end, don’t forget to recommend a well-timed book to foreign friends for learning Chinese, namely, Chinese Solar Terms.

  编译:张焕勤 图片来源:新华网、人民网、羊城晚报、红网