Knowing All about Hunan

Xiangjiang New Area Satellite lauched by Long March 11

Updated:2018-02-12 10:40:39


北京时间1月19日中午12点12分,由天仪研究院自主研制的“湘江新区号” (潇湘二号)和"亦庄·全图通一号"两颗卫星搭载长征十一号运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。

  On January 19 2018, at 12:12 p.m. Beijing time (GMT+8) China launched 2 commercial remote sensing satellites for Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., along with four Cubesats. With the four cubesats,

  The Xiangjiang New Area satellite and the Quantutong-1 are researched and developed by Spacety which is the first Chinese commercial company to develop and deliver nano-satellite services.