Knowing All about Hunan

Implementation Plan of 100 Key Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects in Hunan Issued

Updated:2018-04-13 10:08:18

  On April 10, the Hunan Provincial Science &Technology Department issued the “Implementation Plan of 100 Key Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects in Hunan”. The department took the lead in formulating the plan and selected 110 projects of good foundation, strong driving force, and obvious leading role. About 64 billion CNY is expected to be invested in these projects. An added investment of 17.5 billion CNY will be made in 2018.

  The selected projects focus on 10 key industries of technological innovation and 20 emerging industrial chains with competitive advantages that are specified in Hunan’s scientific and technological plan during the 13th Five-year Period (2016-2020).

  The projects will help tackle key generic technologies problems, promote commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, improve people’s livelihood, and establish major scientific and technological innovation service platforms.

  The Hunan Provincial Science &Technology Department will strengthen cooperation with related departments, cities and prefecture, industrial parks, universities, research institutions, and enterprises, to integrate innovative resources. The undertakers of these projects will be recommended to involve in key national scientific and technological projects, important R&D plans, innovative platform construction, and scientific and technological innovation 2030 project.