Knowing All about Hunan

Vote for ten major cultural landmarks of Hunan

Updated:2018-04-17 10:23:36


  Event: Vote for ten major cultural landmarks of Hunan


  Time for vote: April 16th-30th

  网络投票通道(Vote here):

  Some shortlisted cultural landmarks of Hunan:

毛泽东同志故居 (Former residence of Mao Zedong in Shaoshan)。

岳麓书院(Yuelu Academy in Changsha)。

岳阳楼(Yueyang Tower in Yueyang)。

橘子洲头青年毛泽东雕像(Young Mao Zedong statue in Orange Isle)。

凤凰古城(Fenghuang Ancient Town in western Hunan)。

老司城遗址(Laosicheng site in Yongshun county)。

南岳衡山(Hengshan Mountain in Hengyang)。

芷江受降纪念坊(Zhijiang memorial hall of Victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression)。

醴陵瓷谷(LiLing Ceramics Valley)。