Knowing All about Hunan

Twenty journalists to report Year of Industrial Project Construction

Updated:2018-05-09 11:53:42

Twenty journalists assigned to report "Year of Industrial Project Construction "

  红网时刻5月8日讯(记者 吴公然 实习生 黄煜)5月8日上午,湖南2018年省直新闻单位“记者在项目”暨“产业项目建设年”集中采访活动在长沙启动,省委宣传部、省委网信办、省发改委、省经信委、省科技厅负责人出席启动式。

  The activity of 2018 Hunan provincial news reports for Hunan projects and the " Year of Industrial Project Construction " kicked off on the morning of May 8, in Changsha City. The activity is focusing on reports and interviews by 20 journalists assigned from provincial news agencies which are directly under the lead of provincial governments, the publicity department of CPC Hunan provincial Committee, Hunan Provincial Network Information Office, the Commission of Hunan Provincial Development and Reform, the Commission of Hunan Provincial Economy and Information and Hunan Science and Technology Department. Officials of above units attended the opening ceremony.

Twenty journalists assigned to report "Year of Industrial Project Construction "


  The journalists will work in 20 major industrial parks or enterprises for reporting the "Year of Industrial Project Construction " for a year, in order to promote industrial projects in Hunan province.

