Knowing All about Hunan

Free Dance Classes Offered to Left-behind Children

Updated:2018-05-14 10:02:22

  A public welfare event on introducing dance education resource to rural elementary and secondary schools was launched at Yuchangping Elementary School, Yuelu District, Changsha City on May 9. It was guided by the Hunan Women’s Federation, hosted by the Hunan Women and Children’s Development Foundation, and promoted by multiple schools of arts and physical education of universities in Hunan.

  The initiative was taken as early as in 2017. It aims to give more concerns on left-behind children in rural areas, and help them broaden visions on culture and art. Such activities as “students’ appreciation of dance competition” and “giving dance classes to students” will be introduced, which will enable them to have a comprehensive understanding of the art of dancing, and have an opportunity to get access to more dance education resources. Their after-class life will thus be enriched, which will relieve students of the pressure caused by the absence of their parents and shortage of culture class.

  Up till now, there have been over 100 teachers from over 40 schools, both in public schools and training centers, participating in the event. They offered about 1000-hour exciting dance classes for free for 10,000-odd left-behind children of almost 100 primary and secondary schools in 27 counties (county-level cities and districts).