Knowing All about Hunan

Pick honeysuckle for sale in Longhui county, Hunan province

Updated:2018-07-05 15:56:49

  Pick honeysuckle for sale in Longhui county, Hunan province

Honeysuckle brings wealth for farmers in Longhui county, Shaoyang city, Hunan province, China. Chinese market price: 10-20 yuan/kilo. One household will earn 5,000-100,000 yuan with honeysuckle this year.

Almost every household of Huayao tribes in Longhui county will plant honeysuckle. Honeysuckle, either for making tea or medial use as a traditional herb, is the clinical priority for clearing away heat and toxicity in human bodies.

  Link: 解暑奇美邵阳游·隆回篇丨金银花开满山 花瑶少女采摘“致富花”