Knowing All about Hunan

Chinese day-lily bulbs: Cash plant for Qidong county, Hunan

Updated:2018-07-10 10:40:52

Chinese day-lily bulbs: Cash plant for Qidong county, Hunan province, China.

Chinese day-lily bulbs (Pinyin: Jin zhen cai金针菜/huang hua cai黄花菜) are widely planted in Qidong county, Hengyang city, Hunan province, China. Its total output and sales volume occupies over 70% across China. More than 40,000 local population shake off poverty by planting the cash flower. The cash flower is both for medical and edible use.

Fresh day-lily bulbs is not edible unless we get rid of its colchicine that will lead to physical discomfort. Processed dried day-lily bulbs are good for health.

  Link: 黄花菜变身“黄金菜” 特色产业助力祁东精准脱贫