Knowing All about Hunan

World Famous Flowers Bloom in Botanical Garden

Updated:2015-02-12 14:33:00

Various kinds of psammophytes

Blooming plum blossoms

Children are sketching the view of flowers in groups.

  Themed “Charm of Winter”, the 2015 World Famous Flowers Eco-cultural Festival kicked off at Hunan Forest Botanical Garden on February 10. Ten thousand tulips and cactus of rare species attracted citizens’ attention at the occasion.


  Echoing to the theme of the Year of the Sheep, tulips in greenhouse were arranged to visually imply the meaning of Chinese idiom of “San Yang Kai Tai (auspicious beginning of a new year)”, showcasing exciting atmosphere of the approaching Chinese New Year. Over ten thousand sand plants on display included more than 200 types of rare species, which can be appreciated for the form, flower, fruit, hair and thorn. Some succulent nutritious and eatable sand plants are also included in the festival.


  Particularly, citizens that love plum blossoms can enjoy over 300 plants in various shapes like Zhusha (cinnabar) plum blossom, Guhong (red bone) plum blossom and Fenghou plum blossom in core scenic areas including Cherry Blossom Lake, Cherry Blossom Avenue and Bamboo Garden.


  Translator: Hao Jingru