Knowing All about Hunan

You County enters tourism cooperation of East Hunan

Updated:2015-04-06 16:39:02

大湘东旅游产业联盟沿平汝高速分布,包括平江、浏阳、醴陵、攸县、茶陵、炎陵和郴州市桂东、汝城,共8个县(市)。这一带聚集了第一次和第二次国内革命战争时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期等众多革命旧址、纪念场所和文物保护单位,是闻名全国的老区、苏区,是井冈山根据地的重要组成部分。为了促成沿线8个县(市)旅游产业抱团发展,形成环形旅游线路,今年8县(市)将签署大湘东旅游经济带旅游联盟框架协议,并发表旅游联盟共同宣言。 攸县拥有若干旅游资源:酒仙湖、宝宁寺、阳升观、桃源谷、灵龟寺、马鞍山、凌云塔等。

The tourism sites of East Hunan mainly are distributed along Pingru high speed road, including Pingjiang City, Liuyang City, Liling, You County, Chaling County, Yanling County, Guidong County, Rucheng County and Chenzhou city. There are a total of 8 counties (cities). This area brings together for the first and the second revolutionary civil war, and there are former sites and cultural relics protection units of liberation war and other revolutionary monuments. In order to hold together for promoting tourism, these 8 counties (cities) will sign a framework agreement for Eastern Hunan tourist economy as a tourism union. You County has plenty of tourism resource including Baoning Temple,Jiuxan Lake, Baoning Temple, Yangsheng Temple, Peachflower Valley, Linggui Temple, Maan Mountain, Lingyun Tower,Bailong Cave, etc.


(宝宁寺 Baoning Temple)


( 桃花谷 Peachflower Valley )


(白龙洞 Bailong Cave)

Original link:攸县进军大湘东红色旅游产业