(8月3日上午,红网“《最后的胜利》——纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年大型全媒体报道”举行出征仪式。 Rednet’s launching ceremony of serial reports on "Final Victory" is held on the morning of August 3, for commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese people’s War against Japanese Aggression and the victory of World Anti-fascist War.) (92岁的抗战老兵黄天发令“集合”,8组记者闻声集结。 Huang Tianfa, a 92-year-old veteran of the Counter-Japanese War, calls 8 groups of reporters to at attention.) (抗战军人后代、报道团成员秦芳发言。Qin Fang made a speech on behalf of reporters and soldiers’ descendents in WWII.)
(红网《最后的胜利》报道团路线图 The map shows the reporting routes of Rednet’s serial reports "Final Victory ".)
红网长沙8月3日讯(时刻新闻记者 黎鑫 摄影 李长宏)“中国必然要取得最后的胜利”,这是1938年毛泽东在《论持久战》中的著名论断。胜利来之不易,胜利尤当珍惜。8月3日上午,红网“《最后的胜利》——纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年大型全媒体报道”举行出征仪式,8组记者将分赴陕西、上海、江苏、云南、山西、河北以及湖南的长沙、衡阳、常德、芷江等10余个抗战名城,找寻抗日战争的湖南记忆,挖掘湘人抗战的历史细节。
Rednet (Changsha): "China is destined to achieve the final victory”, which is the famous conclusion of Mao Tse-tung’s in his work "China’s Strategy for Victory”. The victory was won so hard that have to be cherished by people nowadays. Rednet’s launching ceremony of serial reports on "Final Victory" was held on the morning of August 3, for commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People’s War against Japanese Aggression and the victory of World Anti-fascist War. Eight groups of reporters will start their reporting expedition to Shaanxi, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Shanxi, Hebei and more than ten regions in Hunan Province including Changsha, Hengyang, Changde, Zhijiang etc, by retracing the memory and the stories of the Counter-Japanese War in Hunan.
Rednet begins expedition for “Final Victory” reports
Updated:2015-08-25 15:49:03
Updated:2015-08-25 15:49:03
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