Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan signs cooperative agreement with Tencent

Updated:2015-09-17 17:26:49



  新湖南9月1日讯(记者 贺佳 摄影 罗新国)9月1日,湖南省政府与腾讯公司在长沙举行战略合作框架协议签约仪式,共同推进湖南“互联网+”行动计划。省委副书记、省长杜家毫会见腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官马化腾,并共同签约。   

  Rednet (Changsha): Hunan provincial government and Tencent Ltd. Co. signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Changsha to promote "Internet Plus" Initiative. Du Jiahao, the deputy secretary of the committee of Hunan Provincial CPC and Governor, met with Ma Huateng, Chairman and CEO of Tencent Ltd. Co.September 1.


  He Xiang, vice governor, Xiang Lili, secretary general of provincial government and Qiu Yuepeng, vice president of Tencent company, attended the meeting and the signing ceremony.


  Governor Du welcomed Ma Huateng and his company to Hunan, and he expected the strategic cooperation were established successfully by the two sides.


  According to the agreement, the two sides will focus on the areas of government affairs, social security, food security, education, tourism, health care, electronic commerce, finance, cloud computing and data applications for cooperation, in order to push forward the projects of "city services" of Hunan province through WeChat App, to build cloud computing cluster and the data service platform. Residents of Changsha City simply may have convenient online services through WeChat App of mobile phones including checking out the motorist’ record, record of provident fund and social security fund, etc.


  "Internet plus media" means to unify newspapers, magazines and Web sites information by WeChat, which is the a new media model of the public platform of multiple advantages with the over-all enhancement by the cooperation among all media including Tencent’s media, Hunan local TV, newspapers. It may speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional media to Internet media, with propaganda the all-round coverage in Hunan.


  " Internet plus traffic" cloud data centers will be built by the projects of "Internet plus transportation" for integrating traffic information in Hunan Province in order to realize the resource sharing of transportation information for promoting intelligence traffic service.

  “互联网+文化”产品平台将重点整合全省各文化景点、博物馆、文化产业机构等资源,通过微信支付、腾讯地图等各种产品,实现文化产业互联网化、智慧化。    "Internet plus culture" platform will be focused on the integration of Hunan province’s cultural sites, museums and cultural resources, for realizing the intelligent culture industry through the products of WeChat payment and Tencent map.


   " Internet plus business and service system" will strengthen the fusion between traditional business and internet technology & information.Through WeChat public number , WeChat payments and other tools and means, it will improve the overall capacity of business services in cities of Hunan.


  In terms of public emergency services, a cloud platform will be built for the information integration of Hunan province’s public security including fire control, medical service, city planning and disasters for various social resources and manpower scheduling.

Original link: 省政府与腾讯签署战略合作框架协议