Knowing All about Hunan

Stunning antiques exhibited in Hunan Museum

Updated:2015-10-22 14:45:01

湖南文物精品展开幕 博物馆馆藏精品惊艳亮相(图)

(A rarly seen buddha statue is shown at the exhibition along with other beautiful treasures. )

(Jades of Zhanguo dynasties are displayed behind the glass with glowing of history and glory. )

(On Hunan Provincial Museum, in Changsha city,more than 200 pieces of fine and rare collections are exhibited from folk collectors of Hunan and outside Hunan. )

     Rednet ( Changsha): The 14th National Cultural Relic Exhibition was held October 21 in Changsha city, Hunan province. The exhibition will be ended on Oct. 26 for showing the antiques and treasures from Huna Provincial Museum, Museum of Changsha city, and from civil collectors of Hunan and outside Hunan, inside and outside Hunan province.