Knowing All about Hunan

Zhang Wenxiong introduce Hunan to journalists from ASEAN

Updated:2016-02-04 09:04:44

(25日上午,湖南省委常委、省委宣传部部长张文雄会见了“海上丝绸之路主流媒体湖湘行”采访团,向来自马来西亚、印度尼西亚、老挝、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡等东盟六国主流媒体的记者全方面介绍了湖南。Zhang Wenxiong, Member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, meets with journalists from ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for "Mainstream media in Maritime Silk Road, Hunan" October 25, 2015. These journalists are from Malaysia, and Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and other countries of ASEAN. )

(湖南省委常委、省委宣传部部长张文雄与采访团合影。The photo is taken for Zhang and journalists from ASEAN. )

  红网长沙10月25日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨艳)“海上丝绸之路主流媒体湖湘行”迎来了马来西亚、印度尼西亚、老挝、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡等东盟六国主流媒体的记者。今日上午,湖南省委常委、省委宣传部部长张文雄会见了采访团,用1个半小时的时间向国外记者们全方面介绍了湖南,从工程机械、杂交水稻、超级计算机,到《还珠格格》《爸爸去哪儿》《我是歌手》,再到橘子洲、张家界、洞庭湖,张文雄的介绍幽默生动,十分接地气。

  Redent (Changsha): The activity named as "Mainstream media in Maritime Silk Road, Hunan" was held in Changsha October 25. Zhang Wenxiong, Member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, meets with journalists from ASEAN and he introduced Hunan to the foreign journalists with 1.5 hours of humor and vivid speech of full aspects of Hunan Province, from engineering mechanical to hybrid rice, from super computers to TV series "Huanzhu Princess" and entertainment program "Daddy, where are we heading for?" and famous scenic spots of Juzi Islet ,Zhangjiajie, Dongting Lake and etc.


  "Hunan is a good place; a place you should pay more attention to and have articles written," said Zhang Wenxiong, and he summarized "four extinctive views" of Hunan for the visits.


  A bird view of Hunan. Zhang Wenxiong gave a over view of Hunan for its climate, resources,arable land, transportation projects. Hunan is beautiful from a bird view.


  A Close-up view of Hunan. Zhang Wenxiong spoke of Hunan’s industrial clusters,culture, tourism, science and technology with Hunan’s characteristics.


  A historical view. Zhang Wenxiong said that Hunan is a cradle of influential culture, literature and great figures. When he talked about great men and poetry of Hunan’s, such as Yuelu Academy, the journalists directly understand it without translation.


  A distance view. Hunan has a development goal of realizing the moderate persperous society.

Original link: 张文雄会见东盟六国采访团 “四个镜头”介绍湖南