Knowing All about Hunan

Changsha Primary School Celebrates Children's Day

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-05-31 15:44:09

“冰雪奇缘公主”惊艳校园 (Amazing Frozen Princess)

五彩缤纷的服装秀,萌萌的。(Colorful Fashion Show)

卡通形象登场亮相 (Cute Cartoon Images)

最炫民族风 (The Coolest Ethnic Style)

“清宫剧”姐姐带着“姹紫嫣红”的妹妹们。以上图片均为时刻新闻记者 秦楼 摄

Gaily Dressed Beauties in Costumes with the Qing Dynasty elements

(All the photos by Qin Lou )  
Rednet (Changsha): On the morning of May 31, Changsha Dexinyuan Primary School celebrates the International Children’s Day in a special way. Teachers and students display a romantic Cosplay show, playing their favorite roles in a fashion show.
红网长沙5月31日讯(时刻新闻记者 秦楼 通讯员 李天为)5月31日上午,长沙德馨园小学举行“童心撞地球”六一狂欢节活动,全校师生一起Cosplay打造一个浪漫校园,学生们装扮成自己喜爱的角色,走起服装秀,借此庆祝自己的节日。