Knowing All about Hunan

Cruise ship valued at RMB 30 million Yuan to serve Xiangjiang tourism

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-06-22 15:07:29


A luxury cruise ship valued at RMB 30 million Yuan docked in the marina of the Orange Isle (“Juzizhou”)


The three-storey “Jiuzhou Development” cruise ship provides catering, sightseeing, entertainment and conference clubs for tourists.

Rednet (Changsha) On June 21, a luxury cruise ship valued at RMB 30 million Yuan docked in the marina of the Orange Isle (“Juzizhou”) will be settled in Changsha and serve Changsha tourists.

The “Jiuzhou Development” cruise ship will be opened to public in the early July. The three-storey 280-seat cruise ship, 42m long and 12 wide, provides catering, sightseeing, entertainment and conference clubs for tourists.

Original Link: 3000万豪华游轮抵长沙 湘江水上旅游进入新纪元

红网长沙6月21日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨烊)今日,一艘斥资3000余万元打造的豪华游轮远道而来,现身橘子洲游船码头,今后,它将常驻长沙,担当起湘江水上旅游的重任,给长沙游客带来崭新的游水体验。
