Knowing All about Hunan

China International Traveling Salesman Conference opens

Updated:2016-09-12 15:48:42

Rednet (Zhang Jiajie): About 500 traveling salesmen from 23 countries and regions such as Russia, France, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Laos, Japan, Singapore, the UK, Vietnam, Israel, Taiwan and Hong Kong of China have gathered in Hunan. China (Hunan) International Traveling Salesman Conference is launched in Zhangjiajie on September 12.

Themed with “Unite Together in Zhangjiajie”, the conference will last from September 12th-18th, covering seven major activities like the opening ceremony for the monument “Zhangjiajie Declaration on Worldwide Cooperation among Traveling Salesmen”, the unveiling ceremony, Hunan tourism promotion, high-end talk between tourism and international cooperation, Zhangjiajie tourist goods show week, tourism investigation, etc.   

红网张家界9月11日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨烊 分站记者 杨忠武 向韬 张潘 通讯员 王建军)来自俄罗斯、法国、菲律宾、韩国、荷兰、老挝、日本、泰国、新加坡、英国、越南、以色列以及中国台湾、中国香港等23个国家和地区的近500名旅行商已齐聚湖南,一场意义深远的中国(湖南)国际旅行商大会将于9月12日在张家界启动。
