Knowing All about Hunan

World’s largest stone inscription The Analects unveiled in Hunan

Updated:2016-09-29 16:52:37


Rednet (Youxian County): September 28 is Confucius's birthday. On September 28, stone inscription The Analects in full edition created by Chinese well-known calligrapher and litterateur He Jingsha was unveiled on Youxian County Cultural Plaza. It is the world’s largest and sole full edition of stone inscription The Analects with over 15,000 characters, 56 meters long, 3.3 meters high, and 0.7 meter wide.     

红网攸县9月28日讯(时刻新闻记者 刘怡斌)9月28日,孔子诞辰日。由中国著名书法家、文学家贺京沙创作的完整版《论语》石刻,在攸县文化广场揭幕,这是世界上最大的《论语》石刻,也是目前唯一的完整版《论语》石刻,长56米高3.3米宽0.7米,上书15000多字。