Knowing All about Hunan

Second season match on Dawei Mountain climbing starts

Updated:2016-10-08 15:09:38



Rednet (Changsha): On October 7, the second season match on Dawei Mountain climbing is launched with the total bonus of over RMB 20,000 yuan. Dawei Mountain has Hunan’s first national-level mountain-climbing trails and China’s first forest footpath that are really suitable for mountain-climbing fitness. The second match has attracted many mountain-climbing lovers for participation.

  Original link: 大围山湘赣登山挑战赛再度上演 秋季登高赏秋好去处

  红网长沙10月7日讯(通讯员 李子元 时刻新闻记者 杨烊)在国庆长假的最后一天,中国大围山湘赣登山挑战赛的第二季赛事火热开启,总奖金达两万余元,吸引了众多登山爱好者参与。大围山拥有着湖南省第一条国家级登山健身步道、全国第一条森林步道,非常适合登高养生。