Knowing All about Hunan

First Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition: Guizhou part

Updated:2016-10-14 13:52:29

王灵官 明代

Wang Lingguan of the Ming dynasty


Evil dragon of the Qing dynasty

土地 清代

God of Earth of the Qing dynasty

幺儿媳妇 清代

Daughter-in-law of the Qing dynasty

Rednet (Changsha): On October 10, the first Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition was held on the fourth floor of Changsha Dalu Curio City. In the Guizhou exhibition area, Nuo masks of Wang Lingguan, Evil Dragon, God of Earth, etc. vividly interpretes folk roles Nuo masks in a very lively vivid forms.

Original link: 中国湖南首届傩文化展演艺术周 贵州篇

红网长沙10月10日讯(时刻新闻记者 杨杨 摄影报道)今日,中国湖南首届傩文化展演艺术周在长沙市韭菜园南路28号的大麓古玩城四楼开幕,在贵州展区,王灵官、孽龙、土地等傩面具,生动地演绎出民间传说中的系列角色。