Knowing All about Hunan

First Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition

Updated:2016-10-16 10:13:01

  First Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition kicks off

  红网长沙10月10日讯(时刻新闻记者 汤红辉 摄影 杨杨 实习生 饶茂乙)今日,中国湖南首届傩文化展演艺术周在长沙市大麓古玩城四楼开幕,展出的300余个明清时期的精品傩面具,展示着傩面百态人生和神秘文化密码。这些精品傩面具分别由溪上美术馆从湖南、贵州、福建、四川等11个省市收藏而来。

  On October 10, the 1st Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition was held on the fourth floor of Changsha Dalu Curio City. More than 300 quality ancient Nuo masks of the Ming and Qing dynasty are exhibited to display changeable life and mysterious cultural codes behind Nuo masks, which arecollected from 11 provinces such as Hunan, Guizhou, Fujian, Sichuan, etc. by Xishang Art Gallery.


  A mysterious cultural code is hidden behind each Nuo mask.


  Stall Culture Festival of Hunan Cultural Reclis Exhibition is also in full swing.

  First Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition: Hunan part


  In the Hunan exhibition area, a series of Nuo masks of the Qing dynasty are exhibited. The military general Han Xin (for detailed introduction to Han Xin, please click: is respected as the god for impending ill fortune and granting whatever is requested by the ordinary people. Once the people get blessed by praying to Han Xin, they will hold Votive Rituals of Exorcising afterwards.



Frist Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition: Guangxi Part


  In the Guangxi exhibition area, there are a series of portrait Nuo masks in a very lively vivid forms.


First Hunan Nuo Culture Exhibition: Guizhou part


  In the Guizhou exhibition area, Nuo masks of Wang Lingguan, Evil Dragon, God of Earth, etc. vividly interpretes folk roles Nuo masks in a very lively vivid forms.