Knowing All about Hunan

2016 Changsha Folk Cuisine Competition starts

Updated:2016-11-01 10:54:33

造型精美的金丝虾球 (Braised Shrimp Balls)

茶油爆香鱿鱼 (Fried Sleeve-Fish with Tea Oil)


  Best dish: Stewed Tofu with Chrysanthemum

  红网长沙10月23日讯(记者 邓晓娟 摄影 白杨)10月23日下午,2016齐云山高纯山茶油·民星厨艺大比拼首场活动在长沙大润发天心店前坪启动。此次活动由江西齐云山食品有限公司与红网主办,零门槛招募热爱厨艺的“民间高手”。活动秉承“丰富市民生活,传承湘菜文化”的宗旨,活动共10场,历时两个半月,每周末将在芙蓉区、开福区、天心区、雨花区、岳麓区五大区域内高人气的商场或超市举行。

  Rednet (Changsha): On the afternoon of October 23, 2016 Folk Cuisine Competition was launched in front of RT-Mart Tianxin Store, Changsha. Hosted by Jiangxi Mount Qiyun Food Co., Ltd. and, this competition sincerely invites folk cuisine lovers to inherit Hunan cuisine culture and enrich life of citizens. There are a total of 10 rounds of competition lasting for two and a half months that will be held in popular malls or supermarkets of Furong district, Kaifu district, Tianxin district, Yuhua district and Yuelu district every weekends.

Original link: 长沙最韵味厨艺大赛开场 “民”星比拼“油”为精彩