Knowing All about Hunan

Hunan received tourists of 8.72 Mn persons/time in this Holiday

Updated:2017-01-03 11:24:05



  On the evening of January 1, hundreds of thousands of visitors are watching fireworks along both sides of Xiang River to greet the new year 2017.


  Visitors are enjoying wintersweet on Juzizhou (Orange Isle).

  Rednet (Changsha): According to data released by Hunan Committee of Tourism Development on the evening of January 2, during three-day New Year Holiday, Hunan province had received domestic and overseas tourists of 8,721,300 persons/time in total, which increased by 20.6% on year-on-year basis; general income of Hunan tourism reached to 5,835 million Yuan, which increased by 26.7% on year-on-year basis.

  Original link: 元旦小长假872万人次游湖南 7成以上选择自驾出游

  红网长沙1月2日讯(时刻新闻记者 姚冶 通讯员 黄德意 摄影 吴振根)据湖南省旅游发展委员会于2日晚发布的数据,元旦假期3天湖南省共接待境内外游客872.13万人次,同比增长20.6%;旅游总收入58.35亿元,同比增长26.7%,实现新年“开门红”。