Knowing All about Hunan

Guitang Town: Unique Charm of Three Provinces's

Updated:2017-01-20 17:10:07

土家人摆起拦门酒,干了这碗苞谷烧才能进入村寨。To enter the village, guests have to drink Lanmen Wine, the welcoming wine of Tujia ethnic groups.

桂塘镇境内喀斯特地貌密布,溶洞遍及,阴河纵横。Guitang Town has caves and underground rivers of typical Karst Landform.

不少新人来到乌龙山大峡谷景区拍婚纱照。Many new couples come to the canyon of Wulong Mountain for shooting wedding photo.

桂塘镇大多以姓氏或族群聚居,形成一个个自然村寨。青瓦木板房,夹杂吊脚楼。Most residents of Guitang Town form natural villages by the same last name or same ethnic groups. The photo shows the wooden buildings and Suspended buildings.

桂塘镇完善基础设施建设和特色民居改造,打造种类丰富、形式多样的“农家乐”。Guitang Town builds infrastructure construction and ethnic style buildings and variouss agritainment.


  Guitang Town is known as the place in Longshan County of Hunan, near Chongqing City of Sichuan Province and Laifeng County of Hubei Province. In the southwest of Hunan province, Guitang Town has mountainous and hills, streams, paddy fields and rich soil and irrigation facilities; therefore, it is an important rice producing area. Golden fields in Guitang make beautiful pastoral landscapes in Autumn.


  Guitang Town has 209 square kilometers, with 20 villages. The population is 31787 persons, Tujia ethnic groups is 85% of the population.


  Most residents of Guitang Town form natural villages by the same last name or same ethnic groups. The wooden buildings and suspended buildings are characterized by upswept eaves and ancient styles.


  In Guitong Town, there is an ancient village of Tujia ethic named as Ertiyan Village, near Chongqing City. It was founded in Kangxi period of Qing Dynasty dating back nearly 300 years ago. Many of the cultural relics of the Qing dynasty are Still retained, such as the calligraphic inscriptions and paintings on the doors and walls with typical images of magpies, plum blossoms, crane, etc. Here is the hometown of Chinese Opera, and it passed down by generations for 200 years, since Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty .
