Knowing All about Hunan

World-champion German robot football team appears in Changsha

Updated:2017-05-18 10:04:08

足球机器人正在比赛。Football robots are playing the game.

  红网长沙5月17日讯(时刻新闻记者 沈梦艳)足球福地长沙将再次迎来世界级“强队”。今日,湖南首届超级机器人虚拟现实VR科技展示交流会在长沙举办,世界冠军球队德国Nao-Team HTWK莱比锡机器人足球队惊艳亮相,并现场展示了队员们的精彩球技。

  Rednet (Changsha): On May 17, Hunan First Super Robot VR Technical Exchange Conference was held in Changsha. The world-champion robot football team Germany Nao-Team HTWK displayed their marvelous skills in playing football game.

  Original link: 期待!长沙将举办国际机器人足球公开赛