Knowing All about Hunan

Snacks in Changsha City: Hot and Spicy Crayfish

Updated:2017-05-26 14:22:34

Hot and spicy crayfish is the most favorite classic snacks on Changsha people's tables for its hot taste, smooth texture and bright color, specially at summer nights. The spicy and delicious snack is an invention of Changsha people, and now spread national wide being one of hottest dish in people's hearts.

Wu Taijiang, a Cantonese chef in Wenheyou Changsha Crayfish Restaurant, first tasted hot and spicy crayfish in 2004, when he came to Hunan with his wife. He said that Hunan cuisines taste much more spicy and salty than Cantonese cuisines.

As a meticulous and patient chef, Wu Taijiang thinks that dish may suit to anyone , if it is cooked with many procedures and flavors. In his eyes, the snack is hot and spicy as Hunan girls.

  Original link: 长沙口味虾:令吃货们欲罢不能的香辣 就像烟花在舌尖绽放


