Knowing All about Hunan

Spanish internet stars visit Tianmen Mountain, Zhangjiajie

Updated:2017-08-07 10:49:59

网张家界8月6日讯(时刻新闻记者 陈伟 通讯员 丁云娟)8月6日,由国家旅游局驻西班牙马德里旅游办事处邀请的18位国际社交网络媒体明星造访张家界天门山,这些拥有数百万甚至上千万粉丝的明星们,第一次近距离领略张家界天门山奇绝俊险的壮美风光。

  Rednet (Zhangjiajie): Eighteen Spanish internet stars of social networking media were invited to visit Tianman Mountain, Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province, August 6,by the tourist office of the National Tourism Administration of Madrid, Spain. These stars came to Zhangjiajie to experience and introduce the magnificent scenery to millions of fans.

西班牙“网红”们乘坐了世界最长高山客运索道-天门山索道,挑战惊险刺激的盘龙崖玻璃栈道。拥有1610万粉丝的说唱男歌手Cristian Jimenez Bundo对天门山玻璃栈道之旅充满期待,甚至提前就将网上搜索到的玻璃栈道照片保存在手机里。在天门山景区,西班牙“网红”们体验了天门山山顶东线的空中漫步走廊,在最佳观景点之一玉壶峰前,“网红”们驻足放眼远眺,拍照、拍视频并对全球粉丝做现场直播。

  They took Tianmen Mountain Cableway,the longest passenger cableway of high mountains in the world, and walked on kilometres of paths built onto the cliff face at the top of the mountain. Rap singer Cristian Jimenez Bundo said that he saved pictures and information of the glass paths in advance for the visiting. These stars took photos and videos for globe live broadcasting.

Link: 西班牙“网红”团造访张家界天门山