Knowing All about Hunan

Beautiful Shibadong Village

Updated:2017-09-26 14:27:37

 Panorama view of Shibadong Village 

  Panorama view of Shibadong Village

 Homes made of wood and bamboo

Homes made of wood and bamboo 


  红网时刻9月25日讯(通讯员 雷振梁)十八洞村隶属湖南省花垣县双龙镇,地处武陵山腹地,是一个苗族聚居的山寨,全村225户、939人,人均耕地0.83亩。因村旁的一个山洞中拥有18个天然溶洞,故名十八洞村。

  Shibadong village is a remote enclave in Huahuan County of the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture. It has a population of nearly 1,000 and about 560 hectares of arable land. Homes made of wood and bamboo stand atop the hills to save the land below for farming, and narrow stone paths connect the neighborhood along the slopes.

  Link :武陵山中十八洞 精准扶贫新农村(组图)