Knowing All about Hunan

Yuepingfeng National Park: as in fairyland

Updated:2017-12-19 15:38:13

  红网时刻12月19日讯(通讯员 杨能广 谢春松 龚玉冰)12月17日,新邵县岳坪峰国家森林公园迎来了今冬首场雾凇,玉树琼枝,美如画卷。山顶的气温最低降到零下7度左右,童话般的冰雪世界,给广大游客和摄影发烧友带来了惊喜。加上正逢周末,进山人数达到近1000人。

  The first hoarfrost and icicles scenes come to Yuepingfeng National Park in Xinshao County, Hunan Province in December 17. The scenery is as beautiful as in fairy so that it attracts more than one thousand tourists even the temperature drop to 7 degrees below zero at last weekend.

  Link: 新邵县岳坪峰国家森林公园:雾凇景观美如画