Knowing All about Hunan

How can Hunan Fireworks Shine in the World?

Updated:2018-01-11 11:39:17

  双语|湖南烟花倚天作画 何以惊艳世界

    [Bilingual Hunan] How can Hunan Fireworks Shine in the World? 

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  ●烟花是喜庆欢乐之花(For Festive Joy)


  As Chinese Spring Festival 2018 is approaching, shall we enjoy fireworks show at Juzizhou (Orange Isle) on the New Year’s Eve?

  ●烟花也是和平友谊之花(For Peace & Friendship)


  In July 2017, Liuyang fireworks (over 1,400 years’ history)shined brightly at the 750th founding anniversary of Mogilev by Xiang Ou Express for the first time. (Photo/Liuyang Daily)


  ●世界烟花看湖南(View Global Fireworks in Hunan)

提到烟花,就不能不提中国湖南浏阳烟花,可千万别忘了小伙伴醴陵烟花哦!2017年12月, 国家工业和信息化部发布“国家中小企业公共服务示范平台”名单,醴陵市烟花爆竹产业集群窗口服务平台榜上有名。

  In addition to the elder brother Liuyang fireworks, Liling fireworks also grow rapidly in Hunan province. In December 2017, Liling fireworks and firecrackers industry cluster window service platform entered the list of “National Public Service Demonstration Platform for Middle and Small-sized Enterprises” .


  ●烟花“黑科技”(Innovative Technologies)


  Innovative technologies of Hunan fireworks were intensively presented at the opening ceremony of the 13thChina (Liuyang) International Fireworks and Firecrackers Cultural Festival November 2017, such as perfect fireworks show on Wia-net of 1,290 square meters, UAV fireworks formation, WiFi parallel moving fireworks matrix, etc.


  ●烟花“走出去”(Going-out Acceleration)


  How to accelerate spreading the joy of shining Hunan fireworks to the world people?

  ★政策性保险护航(Policy-based Insurance):


  China Export Credit Insurance Corporation Changsha operation office has implemented rating and level-to-level management system for fireworks enterprises. During 2008-2017, it was reported that, it had accumulatively provided risk guarantee service of accounts receivable for over 50 fireworks export enterprises, supporting fireworks export totally amounted to over 500 million dollars and paying about 6 million dollars compensation for Liuyang fireworks enterprises.

  ★推动出口通道多样性(Diversified Export Channels):


  In November 2017, China-Europe Freight Train Container Transportation Seminar was convened in Liuyang to further promote fireworks and firecracker going out to the world through international containers of China-Europe Freight Train.


  (International Standards for Fireworks and Firecrackers Issued in Liuyang):


  In 2012, ISO/TC264 Secretariat for Fireworks and Firecrackers was settled in Liuyang. In November 2017, the first 9 international standards for fireworks and firecrackers were issued in Liuyang, which fully enhances confidence and the international discourse right of China fireworks industry.


  ●烟花背后的故事(How can Hunan Fireworks Shine in the World)


  Behind the splendid fireworks, we cannot forget their producers. How to improve fireworks production while safeguarding production workers? How to keep the balance between environmental protection and growing production?


  Automated Intelligent Production Line: A nearly 200 meters of fully-automated assembly fireworks production line just needs 11 workers for operation now, instead of previous 300 workers.


  Basic Realization of Man-Machine Separation and Man-Powder Isolation: It can reduce over 90% workers involved in fire powder process, and save over 80% fire powder involved lands.


  “Facial Recognition + Real-time Alarm” Technology: To record the white list of workers at each workshop in advance; when suspicious persons pass, there will be an alarm at the mobile terminal; corresponding printscreen and video recording is available for checking.


  Close Down Outdated Unsafe Production Capacity: In recent two years, Hunan province has closed down 1,180 unsafe outdated fireworks and firecrackers manufacturing enterprises. But Hunan achieved 9.3% output growth and 13.5% export growth in 2017 fireworks and firecrackers.


  Professional Self-disciplined Management Mode: Hunan’s eight areas for fireworks and firecrackers production have established their industry association. Liuyang and Liling also set up professional association for black powder and firing lines.


  Extensive In-depth Publicity: Hot lines 12350 for the public report; award for illegal production report; timely crack down illegal production actions.


  Innovation + Environmental Protection: “Little smoke, Few particle, Sulfur free and Noise reduction” as the new environmentally-friendly standard for Hunan fireworks and firecrackers enterprises; for instance, Liuyang Dongxin Fireworks Group upgrades emission powder with nanotechnology that can reduce 70% powder consumption, release sulfur free and environmentally-friendly smoke.


  However, facing unforeseeable fireworks and firecrackers production accidents and keeping the green homeland, we still shoulder heavy responsibilities and need to cherish life for the long run!



  Big News: The 3nd China International Fireworks and Firecrackers Expo will be held in the second half year of 2018 somewhere. Sincerely Wish it to be opened in Hunan!

  编译:张焕勤 文字来源:红网、人民日报