Knowing All about Hunan

How can Hunan Cultural Creativity win Women's Heart?

Updated:2018-01-29 14:09:29

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  [Bilingual Hunan] How can Hunan Cultural Creativity win Women's Heart?


  [Editor’s Notes] Since the first Hunan Cultural Creative Design Competition in 2016, Hunan cultural creativity fruits have been exhibited in China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Fair 2017, and now in the Creative Exhibition of Hunan Culture at the China Culture Center in Madrid, Spain. Integrated with modern technologies and designs, creative Hunan cultural products in cultural relics, intangible cultural heritage and cultural tourism have stepped into daily life. Through imagining creative Hunan cultural products used in European women’s one-day life, this article aims to tell good cultural stories of Hunan province, China.


  During Jan. 29-Feb. 13, more than 100 creative works of Hunan culture are exhibited in the Creative Exhibition of Hunan Culture at the China Culture Center in Madrid, Spain.


  Since Jan. 24, Rednet journalist has recorded and reported this grand cultural exchange in Spain. We readers cannot help imaging how Hunan cultural creativity win women’s and men’s heart in Spain and the world.



  Imagined Scene: A woman at home in Madrid, Spain on a cold morning, leisurely.

  08:00 晨起:女子穿戴梳妆,着湖南省博物馆艺术丝袜,配滩头年画印染丝巾,戴马王堆团圆吊坠,暗染红妆,涂瓷色指甲油,在指尖与盛唐长沙窑相遇。

  08:00 Awake: The woman gets up, wears Hunan artistic silk stockings, a silk scarf dyed with Tantou New Year Painting and a Mawangdui stylish pendant, paints a lipstick and nail polish.


  Hunan artistic silk stockings: Designed with longevity embroideries, pig statue and elephant statue in Hunan Museum, and implying auspicious and affluent.


  Silk scarf dyed with Tantou New Year Painting: Designed with traditional New Year painting in Tantou town, Longhui county, Shaoyang city, Hunan province, and implying propitious and joyous.


  Mawangdui stylish pendant: Designed with three-leg Golden Crow, Fairy Deer, Fairy Dragon and Golden Toad from Mawangdui decorative patterns, and implying family reunion and care.


  09:00 早餐:女子在湖湘笠灯下,汉代特色漆器餐具中享用早点,别有一番风情。

  09:00 Breakfast: The woman enjoys breakfast filled in Han dynasty style lacquer tableware under Hunan artistic bamboo-hat shaped lamp.


  Hunan artistic bamboo-hat shaped lamp: Designed with light-shade beauty and shape of bamboo hats in Zhongfang county, Hunan province.


  Han dynasty style lacquer tableware: Designed with curve modeling of bronze ware and decorative patterns of Han dynasty lacquer tableware in Hunan Museum.


  10:00 温书:女子燃起“云起”香器,在铜官窑落地灯光下,温一卷美书。

  10:00 Reading: The woman lights incense in Cloud Incense Burner, and reads a book under the Tongguan Kiln artistic floor lamp.


  Cloud Incense Burner: Implying man and nature in one.


  Tongguan Kiln floor lamp: Designed with classic Tongguan Kiln ewer modeling, and implicating magnificent plump beauty of Tang dynasty.


  11:00 整理外出:女子携浏阳夏布包或侗锦水纹手袋,装上黑茶竹简礼盒,赠与老友共享。

  11:00 Go outing: The woman puts Black Tea & Bamboo Slip gift package in a hand-made Liuyang linen bag or Dong brocade water-ripple handbag, and goes out to date with old friends.


  Handmade Liuyang linen bag: Mainly made of ramie in more than 20 processes.


  Handmade Dong brocade water-ripple handbag: Made of Dong brocade with traditional water ripple pattern (three days to weave one-meter Dong brocade).


  Black tea & bamboo slip gift package: Hunan Anhua black tea is packed in bamboo slips and bamboo slips are written with Tea Classic and Anhua black tea description.


  12:00 午餐叙旧:与友人共进午餐,茶话叙旧,秀一下收割的湖南文创货。

  12:00 Lunch: The woman has lunch with old friends, and shows her works of Hunan cultural creativity.


  Crystal Hunan embroidery paperweight: Designed with painter Qi Baishi’s early works in Hunan embroidery, and creatively combining Hunan embroidery and stationery accessories.


  Changsha Yuelu Academy AR manual: To view 360° panorama and hear voice explaination of Changsha Yuelu Academy by scanning WeChat QR code.


  15:00 家中小憩:头枕“辣妹子”,怀抱“铜趣大冒险”,稍息片刻。

  15:00 Rest: Have a rest with Red Pepper U-shaped soft pillow and Copper Adventure arm pillow.


  Red Pepper U-shaped soft pillow: Designed with Hunan red pepper, and implying hot passion of Hunan people.


  Copper Adventure arm pillow: Designed with face bronze ware, pig, elephant and bull bronze statue and copper drinking vessel, five cute cartoon images experience fantastic copper adventures.


  16:00 庭院散步:趁晚阳和暖,舒展一下拳脚。累了,就择一益阳小郁竹椅小憩,用醴陵釉下五彩瓷茶具沏点花茶,配些点心。

  16:00 Stroll: The woman takes a stroll in a courtyard, and then rests on a Yiyang Xiaoyu bamboo chair, drinking scented tea in Liling underglazed five-color ceramic tea set and eating desserts.


  Yiyang Xiaoyu bamboo chair: Yiyang city of Hunan province is known as City of Bamboo Ware. Yiyang Xiaoyu bamboo handicraft was originated from Ming dynasty.


  Lilingunderglazed five-colorceramic travel tea set: Decorated with ceramic flower surface and easy to carry.


  18:00 晚餐:在臭豆腐食趣灯中,与家人共享晚餐,开瓶红酒,巴适巴适。

  18:00 Dinner: The woman has dinner with family members under fermented bean curd shaped lamp, drinking red wine.


  Fermented bean curd shaped lamp: Designed with Hunan snack fermented bean curd shape.


  20:00 娱乐:与家人磨砚切磋毛笔字,或对战《花瑶历险记》APP游戏,陶冶中文

  20:00 Have fun: The woman learns Chinese by practicing Chinese brush writing and playing App game “Adventure in Huayao of Hunan” with family members.


  App game of “Adventure in Huayao Nationality of Hunan”: Designed with online picture book and puzzle game, and to learn about Huayao nationality of Hunan.


  21:30 沐浴:在马王堆养生熏香皂的中草药香氛中舒缓一天蹦跶的疲乏。

  21:30 Bath: The woman has a bath with Mawangdui incensed soap for relaxing.


  Mawangdui incensed soap: Designed with Mawangdui health-preserving culture, and handmade of Chinese herbs.


  22:00 睡前:在侗听智能音乐灯中,摇一曲侗族芦笙乐,刷一刷朋友圈。

  22:00 Bedtime: The woman listens to music of reed-pipe wind instrument of Dong nationality and looks over WeChat moments under the “Dong Ting” smart music lamp.


  “Dong Ting” interactive smart music lamp: Designed with traditional Dong music played with reed-pipe wind instrument, and supporting customized design by 3D printing.


  22:30 入睡:在马王堆“养道”真丝被中安然入梦,天亮自然醒。

  22:30 Sleep: The woman falls asleep in Mawangdui Silk quilt till the next morning.


  Portable Mawangdui silk quilt: Designed with Mawangdui Health-Preserving Guided Maps in silk, and easy to carry. (Mawangdui Health-Preserving Guided Maps as the existing earliest health-preserving guided maps of Taoists, combing breathing and body exercises)

编译:张焕勤 图片来源:红网、2016湖南首届文化创意设计大赛官网