Knowing All about Hunan

Jessie J rocks in China! Meeting her in Changsha

Updated:2018-02-06 15:59:20

  双语|大咖闪耀湖南 “结石姐”闲来带你逛街

  Jessie J rocks in China! Meeting her in Changsha

  结石姐惊艳演出 观众炸裂-----

  Jessie J rocks audience of China in The Singer

  Hunan TV’s contest for stars, The Singer, is going a little more international. British pop star Jessie J is in the starting line-up for The Singer 2018, the show announced on Jan 3. The British pop singer is trending on Chinese social media after Her solid debut.

  湖南卫视《歌手》节目在2018年更国际化了,请来了著名英国歌手Jessie J。这位被中国粉丝称为“结石姐”在一月三号第一场比赛之后,就收获了大票的粉丝。果然,《歌手》第一期播出不久,结石姐微博粉丝一夜间涨至17万,热度高居不下,现在已经坐拥25万+的粉丝了。

  She came in first in the first episode that aired, with a textbook performance of her smash hit, Domino, said Chinese reports.


  When asked why she had chosen to enter a non-English speaking contest, the singer said: ‘There's nothing I can't do. That's how I feel in my heart.’

  ‘I'm turning 30 this year and I just think, why not? It's an experience I'll never forget and may never get again and I'm gonna sing like I've never sung before.’



  Jessie J expressed her honour and happiness of joining The Singer on her Instragm.


  Meet Jessie J in Changsha City!


  Whenever she is not rehearsing, she is spotted roaming around Changsha – where the Hunan TV network is headquartered – sightseeing and shopping.

Stinky tofu 臭豆腐


  One fan even took a picture of the singer taking a bite of stinky tofu, a popular (and pungent) fermented snack. When fans call her Jessie or Jieshijie (her nickname in Chinese), she reply to them enthusiastically.

  来长沙之后,结石姐去逛街买衣服,店里的音乐正好切到了《Bang Bang》,结石姐顺势就开抖了,还特自豪地说了声 It's me!后来结石姐还陆续满足了在场所有迷妹们的合影请求,然后才离开。真是非常接地气了。

  Jessie went shopping in a clothes store. The background music happened to be her song Bang Bang. She pointed herself and said "it's me!", and she danced at the scene. Her fans recognized her immediately. 

  沿着古色 古香的太平街,一家独特的小酒馆引起了Jessie J的注意,这就是承源百年古酒馆。很多人都惊艳其《我是歌手》中的表演却不曾知道“结石姐”骨子里还流露着别样的江湖情。

  In Taiping street, Jessie entered a restaurant named Chengyan where has beautiful traditional style.

有网友拍到Jessie J 到湖南省博物馆参观。

Jessie J visits Hunan Provincial Museum. 


What a luck, have a photo with Jessie J.

  目前2018湖南卫视春晚导演组昨日透露,Jessie J已确认加盟晚会,与中国观众欢度小年夜。

 Jessie J will have the performance in the live show of 2018 Spring Festival Gala of Hunan TV,according to the director of the program.
