Knowing All about Hunan

Over 10,000 Job Vacancies Offered

Updated:2018-02-23 15:55:28

  The 2018 Hunan Spring Job Fair will be launched at the Hunan Job Market on February 23.

  More than 10,000 vacancies will be offered, covering production, research and development, marketing, and financing in the areas of energy, medicine, machinery, food, education, real estate, and computer.

  There are more than 200 registered employers, including Broad Group, Sunward Intelligent Equipment Group, Truking Technology Limited, TIDFORE Heavy Equipment Group Co., Ltd., and TRS Group.

  In addition to ordinary employment service, the Job Market will provide vocational guidance, talent policy watch, leading professional meetup services, and a month-long online recruitment of Hunan’s key enterprises on

  This job fair is a part of Hunan’s Lotus Talent Program. For more job information, you may visit, or call 0086-731-85063729 or 0086-731-85063731.