Knowing All about Hunan

Camellia oleifera: Plant of Happiness for Changning city

Updated:2018-06-22 11:24:13

  Camellia oleifera ( tea oil camellia): Plant of Happiness for Changning, Hengyang, Hunan, China

Flower of camellia oleifera: city flower of Changning

Fruit of camellia oleifera

  Changning city of Hunan is a core production area of camellia oleifera in China. Camellia oleifera, which originated in China in the Han dynasty over 2000 years ago, is notable as an important source of edible oil obtained from its seeds. Camellia oil, known as the Oriental Olive Oil, is the top-quality edible oil in China with the market price of more than 100 yuan/500 ml pure camellia oil.

Changning city develops camellia oleifera industry with tourism such as camellia oleifera related photography, sightseeing, recreational culture, fine processing of shampoo and skin-care products, etc.

  Link: 湖南常宁:千年油茶不“老” 今朝产业更“劲”