Facebook page of Hunantimes 近日,衡东县的一场传统却新颖独特的中式婚礼给来自美国的17名亲友团带来一场奇妙之旅。 A traditional and unique Chinese wedding in Hengdong County becomes a wonderful journey for 17 relatives and friends from the United States. “洋伴郎”举着“迎亲”牌、提着喜灯、抬着花轿,式样十足。 Groomsmen holds Yingqin card for going to bride's home to escort bride, by holding up wedding lanterns and carrying the sedan chair. 新人秦兰婷与罗森虎相识相恋十年,十分喜欢中国传统文化。 Daniel Rosenberg and Qin Lanting, the new couple have been in love for ten years and they enjoy traditional Chinese culture. 中国的伴娘和美国的伴郎们在婚床旁合影,墙壁上贴着佳偶天成,百年好合。 The photo shows Chinese bridesmaids and American groomsmen at the bedside, and the wall was adorned with blessing for the well-matched couple and enjoying a harmonious love. 新郎和伴郎团正在通过“爱的保鲜膜”游戏考验。Bridegroom and his groomsmen are playing games. “这是我见证过的最美好的婚礼!”“喜庆中不失庄重,传统中却处处透着浪漫!”“所有融入仪式的古老传统都让人终生难忘!”“一场非同凡响的体验,一次意义非凡的旅行!”……什么样的婚礼这么火热,让外国友人给予如此高的评价?近日衡东县的一场传统却新颖独特的中式婚礼,给来自美国的17名亲友团带来一场奇妙之旅。 “This is the most beautiful wedding I have ever witnessed!” “It is a dignified and joyous ceremony. Romance is everywhere in the wedding”“All the ancient traditions are unforgettable!”“An extraordinary experience, an extraordinary trip!" said 17 relatives and friends of the bridegroom from the United States for attending a traditional Chinese wedding in Hengdong County, Hunan Province, February 15. “洋伴郎”抬着轿子,里面坐着美丽的新娘。 Groomsmen are carrying the sedan chair for the bride. 洋女婿名叫Daniel Rosenberg ,来自美国华盛顿特区,他要迎娶的是当地的一位美丽女子秦兰婷。 Daniel Rosenberg, the groom from Washington DC, is going to marry Qin Lanting a beautiful girl from Hunan Province. 在婚礼现场,新娘子秦兰婷身着中国的传统喜袍,盖着红盖头。洋女婿牵大红绸缎,按中国的传统婚礼程序,携手新娘子跨火盆,过门槛,拜天地,拜父母,夫妻对拜,挑红盖头。按照惯例,他们一同向双方父母敬茶,父母封上大大的红包。整个婚礼过程传统而浪漫,让新人及庞大的亲友团们深深地体会到了中国传统文化的魅力。 At the wedding, the bride wore a traditional red Chinese robe with a red veil. The groom held a red satin for leading his bride. According to the traditional Chinese wedding procedure, she crossed the brazier and a threshold, paying homage to heavens and earth and to the groom's parents, and the husband and wife bow to each other. They served tea their parents, and the parents gave them a big red envelope containing money as a gift and bless the couple. The whole wedding process is traditional and romantic, so that the couple, their friends and relatives deeply understand the charm of Chinese traditional culture. Megan Dry说:“我喜欢婚礼中所有融入仪式中的古老传统。衡东山清水秀,衡东土菜好吃,中国人的热情慷慨让我们舍不得离开!”Trey Cole 感动地说,“这是我见过的最感人的婚礼,喜庆中不失庄重,传统却处处透着浪漫,以后我找到另一半也要举办一场这么美的婚礼!” Megan Dry one of groom's friend said, "I like all the traditions of Chinese wedding ceremony. Hengdong is a beautiful place; the food is delicious, Chinese are so generous that we don't want to leave here!" Trey Cole said, " It is the most touching wedding, the celebration is dignified and joyous with romance, I will hold a beautiful wedding like this in the future!"
U.S. groom married Chinese girl in traditions of China, Hunan
Updated:2019-02-25 09:56:48
Updated:2019-02-25 09:56:48
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