Knowing All about Hunan

French Students Experience Chinese Traditional Culture in Changsha

Updated:2019-04-09 11:42:42

French students learn traditional Chinese painting. (Photo/Zhong Wuwei)

French students learn to play the drum. (Photo/Zhong Wuwei)

French students learn to play the Guzheng. (Photo/Zhong Wuwei)

French students learn Chinese Kung Fu. (Photo/Zhong Wuwei)

On the evening of March 31, 12 teachers and students from France's Saint Pierre School came to Changsha’s Lushan International Experimental School for cultural exchanges. The two schools have carried out cultural exchange activities among students and teachers every year since they became sister schools in 2012. This year’s activity started from March 31 and will last for 9 days. During the period, French students were given chances to experience the charm of traditional Chinese instruments such as Guzheng, Erhu, gong and drum, and experienced get access to traditional hands-on culture events Chinese culture such as calligraphy and paper -cutting.