在湖南农业大学,有一群身份特殊的大学生,他们来自不同国家,有着不同的文化背景。但他们都抱着同一个目标来到了湖南:接受农大先进的科学文化教育,更好地建设自己的家乡。 At Hunan Agricultural University, there are a group of college students from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. They came to learn science and technology for building their hometown. 贝克来自哈萨克斯坦,23岁的他,来湖南才一年,能够听懂和讲述一些简单的普通话。贝克说,他的目标就是来到中国学习,同时把中文学好。 Aldashev Niyazbek, a 23 years old young man from Kazakhstan, has been to Hunan for only one year. He speaks some simple Mandarin. Niyazbek said that his goal is to study agricultural finance and Chinese. 贝克学的是农业金融,他参观了很多湖南的博物馆,也非常喜欢湖南人的热情。在他的家乡,通过“一带一路”倡议援建的一些中国项目正在深刻影响着他们的生活。比如,中哈教育合作,会给来中国学习的哈萨克斯坦学生提供奖学金。 He said that he likes the museums in Hunan and the enthusiasm of Hunan people. He said that in his hometown, some projects aided by the Belt and Road initiative. For example, the Sino-Kazakhstan education cooperation providing scholarships to Kazakh students studying in China. 和贝克相比,萨博算得上是一个“中国通”,他来中国四年零七个月了,基本能流利地说一些普通话,主攻专业是生物信息学。萨博的梦想是通过在湖南农大学习到的农业技术,回国之后建立自己的杂交水稻公司,为祖国尼日利亚提供充足的 粮食保障。 Jibril Sabo, a student from Nigeria, has been in China for four years and seven months. He is fluent in Mandarin and his major is bioinformatics. Sab's dream is to establish his own hybrid rice company after returning to his hometown through the agricultural technology learned at Hunan Agricultural University. The technology of hybrid rice will provide food security for Nigeria. 湖南人的友好,让贝克和萨博都爱上了这里,他们喜欢湘菜和湖湘文化。可是,对于湖南人都爱的臭豆腐,他们会有怎样的反应呢?一口吃下去,让贝克辣出了汗,而萨博表示很好吃。 They fall in love with Hunan. They like local people who are very generous and kind to them, along with Hunan cuisine and Hunan culture. They tried stinky tofu. 尽管他们都来自不同国家,但他们都在湖南爱上中国,在湖南种下了自己的“中国梦”。 They come from different countries, they all fell in love with China in Hunan and they will realize their dreams here. Link: 视频丨外国小哥农大学“务农” 在湖南爱上中国
Video: Foreign students fall love with China in Hunan
Updated:2019-05-06 16:36:37
Updated:2019-05-06 16:36:37
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