Knowing All about Hunan

Shantou ancient village, seems Chinese ancient painting

Updated:2019-05-06 16:44:57

今天清晨,位于湘桂黔交界的湖南通道侗族自治县的芋头古侗寨被一层薄雾环绕,远处山峦在云雾中若隐若现,整个寨子就像披上一层轻纱,犹如仙境一般。 芋头古侗寨是始建于明洪武年间(1368~1398年)的侗族村寨,全寨建筑群因山就势而造,沿山谷布局,既与环境融于一体,又形成了独特的“山脊型”与“山谷型”民居模式,结构造型具有典型的侗族风格,其中鼓楼、门楼、芦笙场、古井、凉亭、萨岁坛、民居木楼及青石板驿道一应俱全,且保存完好。 2001年,芋头侗寨被国务院公布为全国第五批重点文物保护单位,2007年被评为首批中国景观村落,芋头村被国家授予第六批中国历史文化名镇名村。

The photos show Shantou village an ancient village in Tongdao Autonomous County of Hunan Province surrounded by a mist. The mountains in the distance seem vague under the clouds; it is just like a fairyland. The Shantou village was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368~1398). The houses were built by the mountains integrated with the environment and form a unique ridge type. With the Valley-style, residentials have the structures of the typical style of Dai minority groups, including well-preserved drum tower, the gatehouse, the stage, the ancient wells, the pavilion, the temple, the dwelling houses, and the stone roads. In 2001, Shantou Village was announced as the fifth batch of key cultural relics protection units by the State Council of China. In 2007, it was awarded the first batch of Chinese villages of the landscape. Shantou Village was awarded the sixth batch of Chinese historical and cultural towns and villages in China.

Link: 芋头古侗寨:轻纱薄雾入画来